ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Great Pilgrimage

The great pilgrimage is when lots and lots of people go on a big trip to a special place for religious reasons. It's like going on a journey with your family and friends to visit a really important and sacred place. This trip is so special that many people save up for years to be able to go and they may walk or ride on animals for a very long time to get there.

Sometimes, people might even decide to go on a great pilgrimage several times during their lifetime! It's a way for them to connect with their faith, and show how much they care about their spirituality.

During the journey, people might sing, pray, and talk about important religious stories together. When they arrive at the sacred place, they might do special rituals to show their devotion and respect to their faith.

Many religions have great pilgrimages, such as Muslims who travel to Mecca in Saudi Arabia, or Hindus who visit the city of Varanasi in India. These trips can be emotional, fulfilling, and memorable for those who go on them.