ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Guaranteed basic income

Guaranteed basic income is like an allowance for everybody. Just like how you get some money from your parents every week, everyone would get some money from the government. It doesn't matter if you have a job or not, or how much money your family makes - everybody gets it!

This money is called "basic income" because it's enough to pay for basic things like food, clothing, and housing. It's not a lot of money, but it's enough to make sure that everyone has enough to get by.

One really cool thing about guaranteed basic income is that it's guaranteed. The government promises to give everyone this money every single month (or week or year, depending on how they set it up). That means you can always depend on it.

Some people think that this is a good idea because it can help reduce poverty. It might also help people who are out of work, because they wouldn't have to worry about not having enough money to pay for things.

It's still not clear whether or not guaranteed basic income is a good idea, because we haven't tried it on a big scale yet. But some places have tried it out, and some people are really excited about the idea.