ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hays Code

A long time ago, people in the movie industry made a bunch of rules called the Hays Code. These rules were made to make sure the movies were safe for everyone to watch.

The Hays Code had lots of rules about what could and could not be shown in movies. For example, it said that kissing scenes couldn't be too long or too passionate, and that bad guys always had to lose in the end. There were also rules about what people could wear and how they had to behave in the movies. The code even said that people couldn't use certain words or talk about certain topics, like sex or drugs.

The Hays Code was created to make sure that movies didn't have anything in them that could be harmful to someone's morals or values. But over time, people started to think that maybe the Hays Code was too strict and that it was preventing filmmakers from being creative.

Eventually, the Hays Code was replaced by a new set of rules, but it helped shape the way movies were made for many years. Today, movies have fewer restrictions, but there are still rules about what can and cannot be shown on the big screen.