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Hindu texts

Hindu texts are like big books that people who follow the Hindu religion use to learn about their beliefs and traditions. Just like how you have books for stories or learning new things, Hindu texts are books that people use to learn about their religion.

These books were written a long time ago by people who believed in the Hindu religion and wanted to share their ideas and beliefs with others. They talk about how the world was created, why things happen the way they do, and how people should behave in their lives.

Some of the most famous Hindu texts are the Vedas, which were written more than 3,000 years ago! They are made up of lots of different chapters that talk about different things, like animals, plants, gods, and how people should live their lives. Other famous Hindu texts include the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, which are both long stories with lots of interesting characters and important lessons.

People who follow the Hindu religion often read these texts to learn more about their beliefs and to help them understand how to live their lives in a way that follows their religion's teachings.