ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of Palestine

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was a land called Palestine. Many different groups of people lived there, like the Canaanites, Hebrews, Romans, and Muslims. A long time ago, in the Bible days, the Jews were the main people living in that land.
But then, many different groups of people came to the land, and over time it changed a lot. Different countries ruled over it.

After World War One, the land of Palestine was controlled by the British government. The people who lived in Palestine wanted to have their own country and be free from control by others. The Jews and Arabs both wanted their own country in that land. This caused a lot of tension and fighting.

In 1947, the United Nations suggested splitting Palestine into two countries - one for Jews and one for Arabs. The Jews agreed to this plan, but the Arabs did not. In 1948, the Jews declared their independence and created their own country, Israel, in the land of Palestine. This made many of the Arab people angry, and they fought against the Jews.

Over the years, the situation has been very complicated with many disagreements and conflicts between the Israelis and Palestinians. Many people still live in the area and believe that they have the right to the land. They continue to fight for their beliefs and the right to live there peacefully.