ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of mental disorders

Mental disorders are problems with how someone feels, thinks, acts, or behaves. They can make it hard for the person to do things that other people think of as normal. People have been trying to understand and treat mental disorders for thousands of years. In ancient times, people with mental disorders were thought to be possessed by evil spirits or cursed by gods. Some cultures even did things like beat the person in an attempt to get the spirit to leave or give them special herbs to drink.

In the past few hundred years, people have tried to better understand mental disorders. They have studied them, learned about their different types, and even created treatments to help people who are living with them. Now, we know that mental disorders happen because of a combination of factors such as biology, life experience, and environment. We know that mental disorders are treatable and people can get better with medicine, counseling, and support.