ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Honour (feudal barony)

Back in old times, when there were kings and queens and castles everywhere, some people had special titles like "Barons". The Baron was a big boss who owned a piece of land and people living on it.

Honour was a very big deal to these Barons. It meant being brave in battles, being loyal to the King or Queen, and being respectful to other Barons. If someone did something that dishonored the Baron, like stealing or hurting someone on their land, then the Baron had to do something to make it right or "restore their honour".

Sometimes, if two Barons got into a fight or an argument over something, they might declare something called a "feud". This is when they both swore to hurt each other until the other apologized or made things right. Often, the feud would last for generations, with each new Baron inherited the grudge from their ancestors.

So, in short, honour was super important to Barons and they would go to great lengths to protect it. And sometimes, their honour would lead to feuds between Barons that could last for a long time.