ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hot tub

Okay, kiddo, so you know how sometimes when you take a bath, the water is warm and it feels nice on your skin? Well, a hot tub is kind of like a really big bath that can fit lots of people!

But instead of just being warm, a hot tub is really, really hot! It has special heaters and pumps that keep the water at a constant temperature that's usually between 100 and 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

When you get in the hot tub, it feels really nice and relaxing on your muscles and helps you feel less stressed. Plus, some hot tubs have jets that shoot water out and make bubbles, so it feels like you're getting a massage!

It's important to be safe while using a hot tub, though, so you should always have an adult with you and make sure you don't stay in too long or get too hot. But overall, a hot tub can be a really fun and enjoyable experience for both kids and grown-ups!