ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Human hunting

Hello there! Today, I am going to explain human hunting to you in a way that you can easily understand.

Human hunting is a very old practice where humans used to hunt animals for food and as a means of survival. As people evolved, they started to hunt smarter animals for their fur, skin, and hides to make clothes to keep themselves warm in the cold.

In the early days, humans also hunted other humans, but this practice is illegal now. Humans who hunted others were known as 'cannibals'.

As technology and civilization progressed, hunting for food became less important, and people began hunting as a sport. This means that they hunt animals just for fun and not for food or survival anymore.

Even though hunting is still legal in many parts of the world, there have been concerns about animal cruelty and the extinction of animals due to over-hunting.

To sum it up, human hunting is the practice of hunting animals or other humans for survival, clothing, or sport. While it used to be very common, it has become less important as we have new ways of finding food and clothing. It's important to be responsible and not harm animals unnecessarily when hunting.