ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Human shield

Imagine you and your friends are playing a game and you want to win very badly. You see that your opponents are better than you and are sure to beat you in the game. But you have an idea, you ask one of your friends to stand in front of you, so that your opponents won't be able to hit you easily.

A human shield is sort of like that. It is when someone uses another person as a shield to protect themselves from getting hurt or attacked. This is not a good thing to do, because it puts the person being used as a shield in danger.

In serious situations, like during wars or hostage situations, people might use other people as human shields to protect themselves from bullets or other harm. But using people as shields like this is very bad and can cause a lot of harm to the person being used as a shield. It's never okay to put someone else in danger just to protect yourself.