ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Idler flatcar

An idler flatcar is a special type of train car that does not carry any cargo, but is still very important for the train to function properly.

Imagine a train is like a long chain made up of individual train cars. Each car is connected to the one before and after it. The idler flatcar is like a link in that chain that doesn't hold anything, but still helps keep the chain together.

This car is used in train systems where each individual train car has a specific function or weight limit. For example, if a train is carrying heavy construction equipment, some of the rail cars might not be able to support that weight. So an idler flatcar would be inserted in the train at that point to help distribute the weight and keep the other cars from getting overloaded.

Think of it like a grown-up who helps carry a heavy load with a group of children. The adult doesn't carry anything, but they still participate by helping to steer and balance the load, and making sure everyone stays safe.

In summary, an idler flatcar is an important part of a train that doesn't carry cargo, but helps balance the weight and keep the other train cars working properly.