ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Prison is a big building where people who have done something wrong go to live. They can't leave until their punishment time is up or they get permission from a judge.

When someone does something very wrong, like hurting someone else or stealing things, the police may catch them and take them to court. If the judge decides they need to be punished, they might choose to send them to prison.

In prison, the people wear special clothes and they stay in a small room called a cell. They can't leave the cell whenever they want, but they can have visitors like family and friends. They eat their meals together in a big room with other prisoners, and they have to follow certain rules and behave nicely.

While in prison, they can also work at certain jobs like cleaning or cooking food. They get paid a small amount of money for this, but they can't keep it all. Some of it goes to pay for things like their food and living expenses.

Prison can be a scary and sad place, but it's important for people to learn from their mistakes so that they can become better and stay out of trouble when they're released.