ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Indian barrier state

Okay kiddo, let's talk about Indian Barrier State. Imagine you have a toy box and inside, you have all your favorite toys. But, some of your toys are really special to you, and you don't want anyone else to touch or play with them, right? Indian Barrier State is kind of like that.

In India, there are some places that are very important and special to the people who live there. The Indian Barrier State is the special area surrounding those places that protects them from being harmed. It's like a big box that keeps those special places safe and prevents bad things from happening to them.

The Indian Barrier State was created by the British government when they ruled India. They wanted to make sure that important places like temples, monuments, and historical sites were protected from damage or destruction. So, they made laws that said people cannot build houses or factories, or cut down trees in the Indian Barrier State.

Now, when people build houses, factories or cut down trees, they can harm the environment and the special places in India. So, the Indian Barrier State helps protect those places and keeps them safe so that people from all over the world can come and see the beauty of India.

In summary, the Indian Barrier State is like a special box that protects important places in India from being damaged or destroyed. It's important to keep those special places safe so that people from all over the world can enjoy them.