ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Indian reserve

Okay kiddo, let me explain Indian Reserve to you in a way that you could easily understand.

So, you know how we have different pieces of lands that belong to us, like our home, the school you go to, the park you play in, right? Similarly, Indian reserves are special pieces of land that belong to Indigenous people in Canada. These special pieces of land were set aside by the government for the Indigenous people of Canada to use, live on, and govern themselves.

Before European settlers came to Canada, Indigenous people lived throughout the land without borders. But when the settlers arrived, they started to claim the land as their own and pushed Indigenous people off their land. So, the government decided to set aside certain areas of land, which are now known as Indian reserves, where Indigenous people can live and practice their culture.

The Indigenous people who live on these reserves have their own government, known as the Band Council, which is elected by the people who live on the reserve. They have their own laws, language, and culture that they can continue to practice on their reserve.

These reserves also provide essential services for Indigenous people living there, such as schools, health care, and community centers. The government provides funding for these services.

So, in summary, Indigenous reserves are special areas of land set aside by the government for Indigenous people to live on, govern themselves, and continue practicing their culture.