ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Interactomics is like building a puzzle out of tiny Lego pieces. Instead of Legos, we use proteins, which are like tiny machines inside our cells that do different jobs. Just like with Legos, we can build things that do different jobs by putting the proteins together in different ways.

Interactomics is all about figuring out which proteins in cells work together and how they do it. Scientists use special tools and techniques to see which proteins stick to each other and which ones don't. They call the ones that stick together "interacting proteins."

Just like how in a puzzle, some pieces only fit together in certain ways, some interacting proteins only work together in specific combinations. Scientists try to figure out which combinations of interacting proteins work together to do specific jobs in our cells.

By understanding interactomics, scientists can learn more about how our cells work and how we can treat diseases that happen when things go wrong in our cells. It's like solving a puzzle to help make our bodies healthier!