ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Intergalactic space

Intergalactic space is like going for a sleepover at your friend's house that's really far away. Imagine you and your friend live in different towns and you need to travel to their house. But their house is super far away, even farther than your grandma's house! You have to take a spaceship to get there, and it's a really big spaceship because it needs to carry all the things you need for the sleepover.

Once you're in space, you're not in your town anymore. You're not even on planet Earth! Instead, you're floating in what we call intergalactic space. It's the space between galaxies, like the space between your friend's town and yours. And when you're in intergalactic space, it can feel a bit lonely because you're really far away from everything else.

Intergalactic space might seem empty, but it's actually really interesting. There are lots of things floating around, like gas and dust and even stars. Scientists think that some of these things might come from other galaxies. It's like if your friend brought their favorite toys and snacks from their house to share with you during the sleepover.

Overall, intergalactic space is a very big, open space that exists between galaxies, and even though it might seem empty, there are many things to discover and explore.