ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Internet2 is like a super-fast and super-special version of the regular internet that we use at home. Imagine if the regular internet was like driving a regular car on a regular road, but Internet2 is like driving a fancy sports car on a really cool and fast highway.

Internet2 is special because it's made just for big organizations like universities, research labs, and government agencies that need to share lots of big files and do really complicated things online. They use it to do things like connect with other researchers, share really big scientific data, and even conduct experiments online.

It's also super-fast, which means you can download and upload things really quickly. And just like how we have rules when we play games or do things at school, there are special rules for Internet2 to make sure everyone plays nicely and uses it for good purposes.

Overall, Internet2 is like the superpowered version of the regular internet that superheroes might use to do big and powerful things like save the world or make groundbreaking discoveries!