ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Interpretation (logic)

Interpretation in logic is like playing a game of pretend. Imagine you have a bunch of blocks with different shapes and colors. Someone gives you some rules to follow, like "put all the red blocks in one pile" and "put all the square blocks in another pile." If you follow these rules correctly, you can say that you have interpreted the instructions correctly.

In logic, we have things called "propositions" which are like rules for the blocks. Instead of shapes and colors, the propositions are made up of words and symbols. Just like with the blocks, a correct interpretation of the propositions means following the rules correctly.

For example, imagine the proposition "if it's raining outside, then I will bring an umbrella." To interpret this correctly, we need to understand what each part of the proposition means. We need to know what it means to "rain outside," what it means to "bring an umbrella," and what it means to say "if... then..." Once we understand all these parts and how they fit together, we can say that we have correctly interpreted the proposition.

In logic, we often use symbols to represent these parts of a proposition. For example, we might use "P" to represent the statement "it's raining outside" and "Q" to represent the statement "I will bring an umbrella." Then, we might write the proposition as "if P, then Q." This makes it easier to manipulate and analyze complex propositions.

Overall, interpretation in logic is all about understanding the rules and correctly applying them to the symbols and statements involved. It's like following a recipe, but for thinking and reasoning instead of cooking!