ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Iran–United States relations

Okay kiddo, so Iran is a country that is far away from us and the United States is where we live. Now, sometimes these two countries don't get along very well and they have had a lot of disagreements over the years.

One of the reasons why they don't get along is because of a type of energy called "nuclear power." Iran wants to use nuclear power to create electricity, but the United States is worried that they might use it to create weapons. This makes the United States and other countries really upset and worried.

So, over the years, the United States has made rules and restrictions on Iran to make sure they don't create nuclear weapons. This is called "sanctions" which means that Iran cannot do certain things with other countries, like trade or travel.

Because of these sanctions, Iran's economy has not been doing well and it's making it hard for their people to live their everyday lives. This has led to a lot of tension between the two countries.

But recently, there has been some progress in trying to make things better. The United States and other countries have been talking to Iran to try and come up with a solution that works for everyone. So hopefully in the future, they will be able to get along and work together.