ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Isaiah 36

Isaiah 36 is a part of a book in the Bible called Isaiah. It tells the story of a time when the Assyrian army was attacking the kingdom of Judah. The king of Judah at that time was named Hezekiah, and he was worried about what would happen to his people if they were defeated by the Assyrians.

So, Hezekiah sent some of his officials to talk to the leader of the Assyrian army, a man named Sennacherib. The officials tried to negotiate with Sennacherib and prevent a battle from happening. However, Sennacherib did not listen and instead sent a message to Hezekiah mocking him and his God, saying that they had no chance of winning the battle.

In response, Hezekiah went to the prophet Isaiah for guidance and asked him to pray to God for their salvation. Isaiah reassured Hezekiah and told him that God would protect them from the Assyrians.

Eventually, the Assyrians did attack, but something strange happened. In the middle of the night, God sent an angel to destroy the Assyrian army, and the next morning, the Assyrian soldiers were found dead. Sennacherib and the few soldiers who were left went back to their homeland in shame.

In summary, Isaiah 36 teaches us that even when we face difficult situations, we can trust in God to protect and save us in ways that we may not expect.