ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Isaiah 7

Isaiah 7 is a chapter from a very important book in the Christian and Jewish religion. It talks about a king named Ahaz who was really scared because some other kings wanted to fight him and take over his land. Ahaz was so scared that God's prophet Isaiah went to talk to him.

Isaiah said to Ahaz, "Don't worry, God will help you. Ask for a sign, anything you want, and God will give it to you." But Ahaz said, "No, I don't want to test God."

So, Isaiah told Ahaz that God would give him a sign anyway. A young woman would have a baby son, and that son would be a sign from God that everything would be okay. And that baby's name would be Immanuel which means "God is with us".

This prophecy came true many years later, when Jesus was born to a virgin named Mary. Christians believe that Jesus was the promised Immanuel who would show us that God is always with us, and that we should not be afraid.