ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Israeli casualties of war

Okay kiddo, I'm going to tell you a story about a place called Israel. A long time ago, people used to fight in wars in that country. When people fight in wars, they can get hurt, and sometimes they even die. That's called a casualty.

Now, there were different kinds of wars in Israel, like one with the neighboring countries who didn't like them much. In those wars, Israeli soldiers and civilians got hurt, and that's called Israeli casualties of war.

But it's not just soldiers who get hurt in wars, sometimes regular people who are just living their lives can get hurt too. Very sad, isn't it?

That's why it's important to work for peace, so that people don't have to get hurt in wars anymore. We should all try to be kind to each other and find ways to get along, even if we disagree sometimes. That's the lesson we can learn from the Israeli casualties of war.