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Jesus Prayer

The Jesus Prayer is a very simple prayer that goes like this: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner." It's like a little conversation with Jesus where we tell Him that we need His help and mercy because we are not perfect.

When we say the Jesus Prayer, we close our eyes and try to focus all of our attention on Jesus. We repeat the prayer over and over again, like a song or a chant. This helps us to calm down and concentrate on our relationship with Jesus.

The Jesus Prayer is based on some words from the Bible, where people ask Jesus for mercy or healing. By using this prayer, we are asking Jesus to show us His love and help us be better people.

Some people use the Jesus Prayer as a way to meditate and get closer to God. It can be very helpful when we're feeling scared, sad, or confused. We can say the Jesus Prayer anywhere, at any time, and it can help us feel more comfortable and peaceful.

Overall, the Jesus Prayer is a way to talk to Jesus and ask Him for help and guidance. It's a simple but powerful prayer that reminds us of His love and mercy.