ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Judgment is like when your mom or dad decides whether something you did was good or bad. It's like a way for them to tell you if you did something you should or shouldn't have done.

For example, if you ate all your vegetables at dinner, your mom might say "Good job! You made a good choice by eating your vegetables." That's a positive judgment because you did something good.

But if you don't listen to your mom when she tells you to stop playing with your toys and clean up your room, she might say "That was a bad choice. You need to listen when I tell you to do something." That's a negative judgment because you did something you shouldn't have done.

Adults also use judgment to decide things, like if someone did something wrong and needs to be punished, or if someone did something well and deserves a reward. It's kind of like a way to help people learn from their mistakes and make better choices in the future.