ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kalam cosmological argument

Okay kiddo, the Kalam Cosmological Argument is an idea that tries to answer the question of how the world came to be. It's kind of like trying to understand how a cake was made, but instead of flour and sugar, we are talking about the whole universe!

So let's start with the first part, which says that everything that begins to exist must have a cause. This means that anything that we see around us, whether it's a chair or a tree or even you and me, had to come from somewhere. They didn't just pop up out of nowhere; something had to create them.

Now, let's imagine going back in time, really far back, before there were any people or animals or even plants on Earth. Before anything existed, there had to be something that caused everything to come into existence. This thing or cause is what we call God.

The second part of the Kalam Cosmological Argument is that the universe had a beginning. This means that the universe didn't always exist. It had to start somewhere, just like a movie starts with the opening credits.

If the universe had a beginning, then it means that there had to be something that caused it to begin. And once again, this cause is God.

So to sum it up, the Kalam Cosmological Argument is saying that everything that exists has a cause and that the universe had a beginning, which means that there was a cause for it too. This cause is what we call God.