ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kantō Massacre

The Kantō Massacre was a very bad event that happened a long time ago in Japan. Imagine you are playing with your friends and suddenly someone comes and hurts you and your friends. That's what happened to a lot of people in Japan in 1923. There was a big earthquake that made people very scared and some people turned their fear into anger and started hurting other people who they thought were different from them. This is called discrimination and it's very wrong.

The people who were being hurt were from different places and had different beliefs and ways of life. Some people blamed them for the earthquake and thought they were bad because they were different. They didn't understand that everyone is equal and should be treated with kindness and respect.

Many people were hurt and even killed in the Kantō Massacre. It was a very sad time for Japan and a reminder that we should always treat others with kindness and respect, no matter where they come from or what they believe. It's important to love and care for each other, even in tough situations, and never let fear turn into hate.