ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Laser printing

Laser printing is like drawing a picture with a special pen, but instead of using ink, we use a special machine called a laser printer.

The laser printer works like a mini factory. Inside the printer, there is a light bulb that shines a bright light on a special drum. The drum is like a big rolling pin, but it's covered in a special coating that can hold an electric charge.

When the light shines on the drum, it makes little electrical patterns on its surface, kind of like footprints in the sand. These patterns create a map of the picture or text we want to print.

Once the map is made, a special powder called toner is sprinkled over the drum. The toner is like colorful dust that sticks to the electrical patterns on the drum.

Next, a piece of paper is pulled through the printer and pressed against the drum. When the paper touches the drum, the toner dust sticks to the paper in the same electrical pattern as the drum.

Finally, the paper goes through a set of rollers that heat up and melt the toner powder into the paper. When it cools, the image or text is permanently printed onto the paper.

So, in short, laser printing is like copying a picture from a map onto a piece of paper, using a special machine called a laser printer.