ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Learning music by ear

Learning music by ear means listening to a song or a melody and figuring out how to play it on your musical instrument without reading any sheet music or tablature. It is like playing a game of musical "copycat."

Let's pretend you are listening to a song that you love, and you want to learn how to play it on your piano. First, you need to listen to the song and pay attention to the melody. You'll start to recognize the tune, and it'll start to stick in your brain like a nursery rhyme.

Next, you'll try to mimic the melody you heard by playing it on your piano. You may have to try playing it a few times until you get it right. But once you do, it will feel like you accomplished something special.

Learning music by ear can be challenging at first, but it can also be a lot of fun. It's like solving a puzzle or cracking a code. Over time, your ears become more attuned to the sounds of different notes, and you may find that you can pick up songs more quickly.

All in all, learning music by ear is like being a detective. You need to listen to the clues and put them together in the right way to get the result you want. But once you solve the mystery, you'll have the satisfaction of being able to play a song that you love without any help!