ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lightning-prediction system

Hey there kiddo, have you ever seen a lightning strike when it's thundering outside? It's really scary and sometimes dangerous! A lightning-prediction system is a special machine that helps us know when lightning might strike.

It works by using special sensors to measure things like the temperature, humidity, and air pressure in the air. When these things change in certain ways, the machine can tell that there might be a storm coming. It can also detect lightning strikes that have already happened.

When the machine senses that there's a storm coming or that there's already been lightning, it sends a signal to special warning systems that can help keep people safe. For example, it might tell people to go inside and stay away from doors and windows. It can also help air traffic controllers make sure that planes aren't flying in dangerous weather.

So, a lightning-prediction system is a special kind of machine that helps us know when lightning might strike so that we can stay safe!