ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Limit of positive stability

Okay kiddo, so when you are playing on a swing or see-saw, you know that you can go back and forth without falling, right?

But did you know that there is a limit to how far you can go without falling off? That's called the "limit of stability" or LOS for short.

Now, imagine you are sitting on a swing and someone starts pushing you higher and higher. Eventually, you will reach a point where you can't go any higher without feeling like you might fall. That's your limit of stability.

In things like airplanes or spaceships, the limit of stability is really important to understand because if they go too far off course or into a dangerous situation, they could lose control and crash.

So engineers and pilots work really hard to make sure they stay within the limit of positive stability, which means they can safely control the vehicle and keep it from falling or crashing.

It's like when you're riding a bike and you feel wobbly, but you can still keep yourself upright. That's your limit of positive stability.

Basically, the limit of positive stability is the maximum amount of movement or deviation from a stable position that can be safely controlled without losing control or falling over.