ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Naval architecture

Naval architecture is a fancy way of saying designing boats and ships. Just like how we have architects who design buildings, we also have naval architects who design boats and ships.

Naval architects think about lots of things when they are designing boats and ships. They think about what materials to use to build the boat, how big the boat should be, and how much weight it can carry. They also think about how the boat will move through the water, and how to make it move as fast as possible while using less energy.

To make sure the boat is safe, naval architects also think about how to keep the boat balanced and stable. They design special features to keep the boat from tipping over in rough waters, and make sure the boat won't sink if it takes on water.

Naval architects also pay attention to how the boat looks. They think about the colors, the shape, and how different parts of the boat fit together. They make sure the boat looks nice and is easy to use for the people who will be using it.

In short, naval architecture is the art and science of designing boats and ships that are safe, strong, and efficient, and that look good too.