ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Coastal engineering

Coastal engineering is like when you build things to try and keep the beach and ocean from causing problems like floods or erosion (when the beach starts disappearing). It's kind of like building a giant sandcastle to stop the waves from coming in too far!

You know how when you build a sandcastle close to the ocean, the waves wash away some of the sand? Well, in real life, that can cause problems for people who live or work near the ocean. Coastal engineers try to figure out how to build things that will stop or slow down the waves so they don't cause damage.

They might build things like sea walls or breakwaters to block the waves or create dunes or beaches to prevent erosion. They also think about things like how high the waves might get during storms or how much sand might get washed away each year.

It's kind of like a puzzle, trying to figure out the best way to protect people and property along the coast while also keeping the beach and ocean healthy.