ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Beach evolution

Dear little one,

Have you ever been to the beach and seen how sometimes the shoreline is far away from the water and sometimes it's really close? That's because of something called beach evolution.

Over time, beaches change shape because of things like waves, wind, and tides. Waves can wash away sand or bring in new sand, while wind can blow the sand and shape the dunes. The tides -- the rising and falling of the sea level -- can also change the way the beach looks.

Sometimes, when there is a lot of sand in one area, it can build up and form a barrier island, which is a long, narrow strip of land that's parallel to the coast. These islands can protect the mainland from storms and waves.

Overall, beach evolution is a process that changes beaches gradually over time. It's like the beach is always growing and changing, just like you!