ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Do you know what a train is? It's a big vehicle that runs on tracks and can carry lots of people and things. A locomotive is like the boss of the train - it's the part that pulls all the other train cars along.

A locomotive is a very big and powerful machine with lots of parts. It has a big engine inside that uses fuel to create energy and make the train run. The energy is used to turn wheels called "drivers," which are connected to the train cars by metal rods.

The locomotive also has a cab where the driver sits and controls the train. There are lots of knobs, switches, and dials. The driver has to know how to use all of them to make the train go at the right speed and stop at the right times.

Because a locomotive is so big and heavy, it needs a lot of space and power to work. That's why you often see trains on really long tracks with lots of room to move. But once a locomotive gets going, it can pull all of those train cars along at a very fast speed!