ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Loudness war

So, you know how sometimes when you're watching TV or listening to music, the volume level goes up and down? That's because some parts of what you're watching or listening to are naturally louder than others.

Well, the loudness war is what happens when music producers try to make their songs sound as loud as possible, all the time. They do this by using a bunch of tricks and techniques to make the quieter parts of the song louder, so that everything sounds like it's at the same volume level.

Sounds cool, right? The problem is that when you squeeze everything together like that, it makes the song sound kinda flat and boring. Plus, if you keep pushing the volume level up and up, eventually it starts to sound distorted or even painful to listen to.

So, why do producers do this if it makes the music sound worse? The answer is that they think it will make their music stand out more and sound better on the radio. But the reality is that it just makes everything sound the same, and takes away from what makes each song unique.

So, overall, the loudness war is like trying to make your crayon drawing stand out by pressing down really hard and coloring everything the same shade of red. It might seem like a good idea at first, but ultimately it just makes your drawing look worse.