ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lunar habitation

Lunar habitation means living on the moon. Just like we live in houses on Earth, people might want to live on the moon one day. But, it's a little bit different on the moon because there's no air to breathe, no plants to eat, and no friends to play with (yet!).

So, scientists would have to make special places where people can live safely on the moon. These places might be inside big buildings called habitats. These habitats would have to be very strong to protect people from the harsh climate on the moon. That means they would have to be able to withstand really strong winds and extreme temperature changes.

Also, people would need to have air to breathe, so the habitats would have to have a system that can make air for people to breathe. This system would take in carbon dioxide (what we breathe out) and turn it into oxygen (what we breathe in).

People would also need food and water to survive. Scientists could bring some of these things from Earth, but it would be really expensive to do that. So, they would have to find ways to grow food and get water on the moon. They could maybe use special machines to get water from the moon's surface, or they could build greenhouses to grow plants for food.

Living on the moon would be really cool because you could be the first person to live on a new planet! But it would also be really hard because you would have to be really smart and work really hard to make sure you have everything you need to survive.