ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Maglev train

Maglev trains are very cool trains that have no wheels and move using magnets! Magnets are like magic because they can attract or repel each other without needing to touch. Maglev stands for "magnetic levitation," which means that the train is lifted and kept in the air by powerful magnets. This means that there is no friction between the train and the tracks, allowing it to move smoothly and quickly.

Imagine that you are playing with some magnets at home. When you try to push the same poles of two magnets together, you can feel them pushing back against each other. This is called repelling. Maglev trains use this principle to float above the tracks, with magnets on the train and the track pushing against each other to keep the train from touching the ground.

Once the train is levitated, it can be moved forward by changing the polarity (or direction) of the magnets on the track. This creates a magnetic field that pulls the train along, like a game of tug-of-war. The train can go really fast, and can even reach speeds faster than airplanes!

This type of train is also very safe, because there is no risk of the train derailing or crashing due to friction between the wheels and tracks. Additionally, maglev trains are environmentally friendly, as they don't produce harmful emissions like traditional trains.

So, in summary, maglev trains are trains that float and move with the help of magnets, allowing them to go very fast and be very safe and environmentally friendly. Cool, right?