ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Martin Luther

Imagine there was a man named Martin Luther who lived a very long time ago. He was a very smart man who studied and taught about religion. One day, while reading the Bible, he began to have some doubts and questions about some things that were being taught by the church at that time.

He thought that some of the things the church was doing, like selling "indulgences" (which basically meant that people could pay money to reduce their time in purgatory after they died), didn't seem right or fair. He believed that people should focus on having faith and doing good deeds, rather than buying their way into heaven.

Martin Luther decided to speak up about his concerns and he wrote something called the "95 Theses," which were 95 arguments against some of the church's teachings. He hoped that these arguments would start a conversation and that people would think about them more carefully.

However, instead of just starting a conversation, the publication of the 95 Theses sparked a big movement called the Protestant Reformation. Many people agreed with what Martin Luther was saying and they began to split away from the Roman Catholic Church, forming new churches that were based on his teachings.

As a result, Martin Luther is still remembered today as a very important figure in Christian history who challenged the beliefs of his time, and brought about a lot of change in the world.