ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Matthew 27

Matthew 27 is a chapter in the Bible that talks about what happened to Jesus. A long time ago, Jesus was a man who lived on earth and preached about God's love and kindness.

In this chapter, we learn that some people didn't like what Jesus was saying, and they decided to arrest him. They took him to a big court where they asked him lots of questions, and many people told lies about him.

After that, they decided to punish Jesus, and they made him carry a heavy cross all the way up a hill. Lots of people were watching, and some of them were very mean to Jesus. They even put thorns on his head and hit him.

Finally, they nailed Jesus to the cross and left him there to die. Jesus suffered a lot, and many people were sad to see him pass away. But, after he died, something amazing happened - Jesus came back to life!

This story teaches us about Jesus' love and sacrifice, and it reminds us to be kind to others, even when they might not treat us well.