ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hello there, kiddo! Have you ever heard of meaning-making? It's a really interesting concept that helps us understand how we create meaning in our lives.

So, do you remember when you did something really fun, like playing with your friends or going on a trip with your family? When you think back on those experiences, they probably make you feel happy and excited, right? That's because you made meaning out of those experiences. In other words, you gave them a special kind of importance in your life.

That's what meaning-making is all about. It's the way we make sense of the world around us and the things that happen to us. For example, if you got a bad grade on a test, you might feel sad or disappointed. But if you think about it, you might realize that you didn't study very hard for that test, and you could do better next time. That's another example of meaning-making – you're taking a negative experience and turning it into a learning opportunity.

Sometimes, we make meaning out of things without even realizing it. For example, when we watch a movie or read a book, we might connect with the characters and feel like their experiences are similar to our own. We might learn something new or gain a new perspective on life because of the story.

So, meaning-making is all about creating personal value and significance in our lives. It helps us understand ourselves and our place in the world, and it helps us grow and learn from our experiences. Pretty cool, right?