ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Memory address

Dear little one,

Today we are going to talk about a very important concept in computers called "memory address".

You know how sometimes you need to put away your toys in a specific place in your room, so you can easily find them next time you want to play? Well, computers have a similar system but with something called memory, where they keep all the important information they need to work.

A memory address is like a very long number that tells the computer where to find a specific piece of information in its memory. It's like giving your mom or dad directions to find your favourite toy in your room.

For example, let's say you have a game on your computer and you want to play it. Your computer needs to remember where that game is stored and what it looks like, so it can show it to you on the screen. The memory address will tell the computer exactly where to find the game in its memory and how to access it.

So, in summary, a memory address is like a set of directions that the computer uses to find and access information stored in its memory. Just like you need to remember where you put your toys in your room, the computer needs to remember where it put all the important information it needs.