ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Men's liberation

Do you know how sometimes girls and boys are treated differently? Well, a long time ago, girls couldn't do many things that boys could do, like go to school, vote or play sports. But girls and women fought for their rights and things changed a lot.

Similarly, there is something called men's liberation. It means that men are fighting for equality and fairness too. Sometimes people think that men are supposed to be strong, tough, and in charge all the time. But that's not true! Men should be allowed to be sensitive, show their feelings, and share household chores and parenting responsibilities with their partners.

Men's liberation is about breaking away from the traditional ideas of what a man "should" be and doing what makes them happy, regardless of what others think. It encourages men to speak up against toxic ideas like toxic masculinity and challenge outdated stereotypes.

Just like girls and women fought for their rights, men are fighting for theirs too. This way, everyone can be treated fairly and equally, no matter their gender.