ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Methane capture

Let's imagine that cows are like factories that produce a gas called methane when they digest their food. Methane is not good for the environment because too much of it in the air can warm up the planet, like a big blanket trapping heat.

Scientists have found a way to capture and use the methane gas that cows produce so it doesn't go into the air. They put a big cover over the cow's hoo-hah and poop areas to collect the gas that they produce.

The gas is then transported through pipes and cleaned up so that it can be used as energy to power things like cars, homes, and businesses. This way, we can still use the gas but we're not adding more of it into the air.

So, capturing methane means getting a hold of the gas that comes out of cows and poop areas and using it for good things instead of just letting it go into the air and cause problems.