ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Methanol reformer

A methanol reformer is like a magic box that turns one kind of liquid called methanol into another kind of gas called hydrogen!

Imagine if you have a magic wand that can turn your toys into candy. The methanol reformer is kind of like that wand. It takes the methanol as the “toy” and magic happens inside the reformer and it comes out as hydrogen “candy”.

Wizards (engineers) make these reformers because they need the hydrogen gas to power things like cars, buses, and even homes. The reformer is like a worker that takes the methanol and uses heat and some special techniques to split the methanol molecule into hydrogen molecules and some other byproducts. The other byproducts are kind of like the wrapping on the candy.

These hydrogen molecules can then be used for all types of things like powering a car or bus. Think of it like a dog that needs a leash to go for a walk. In this scenario, the dog is the car engine, and the leash is the hydrogen gas.

So, the methanol reformer is like the magic machine that makes the hydrogen leash for the engine dog. Cool, huh?