ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Method of moments (electromagnetics)

Imagine you have a puzzle. In the puzzle, there is a piece that you don't know where it fits. To figure out where it goes, you can look at the other pieces around it and use their shapes and sizes to guess where the missing piece belongs. This is sort of like what happens in method of moments in electromagnetics.

In electromagnetics, we have big problems to solve, like how waves travel through materials or how antennas work. We may not know all the parts of the problem, so we have to use the pieces we do know to figure out the rest.

We start by looking at the shapes and sizes of the objects in the problem. We then use math to create equations based on how the objects behave. These equations let us figure out how the pieces interact with each other and how waves travel through them.

When we have a bunch of equations, we use the method of moments to solve them all at once. This is like putting all the puzzle pieces on the table and seeing how they fit together as a whole.

The method of moments works by turning the equations into a system of linear equations. This means we can use techniques from algebra to solve the system and figure out what the missing puzzle piece is.

Overall, the method of moments helps us solve big electromagnetics problems by looking at the pieces we have, guessing where the missing pieces are, and using equations and math to figure out how the pieces fit together.