ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Missing person

When someone goes missing, it means that they can't be found. It's like when you lose your favorite toy and you can't find it anywhere. But when a grown-up goes missing, it's a very serious situation because they might be hurt or in danger.

Sometimes people go missing on purpose, like when they want to run away from their problems or start a new life. Sometimes people get lost, like when they wander off into the woods and can't find their way back. Other times, people are kidnapped or taken against their will which is very scary.

When a person goes missing, lots of people try to help find them, like the police, search and rescue teams, and volunteers. They might use dogs or helicopters to help them search. They also ask people in the area if they have seen the missing person, and they might put up posters with the person's picture on it all around town.

It's very important to find missing people as soon as possible because they might need help or medical attention. If you or someone you know goes missing, always tell an adult or call the police right away.