ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mobility scooter

A mobility scooter is like a special chair with wheels that helps people move around when they can't walk very well. It's a bit like a motorbike, but it has four wheels and you don't have to pedal. You can use it to go shopping or visit your friends, and it can also help you do things that you like to do but can't because of your legs.

The scooter has a battery inside it that helps it to move, like how your toy car might have batteries to make it go. There is a steering column at the front of the scooter with handlebars that you can hold onto to steer where you want to go.

The scooter has a seat where you can sit and a footrest where you can put your feet. If you have trouble standing or walking for a long time, the scooter can help you move around without you getting tired or hurting your legs. Some scooters have a basket attached where you can carry your shopping, and others have lights on them to help you see in the dark.

When you're finished using your mobility scooter, you can charge the battery overnight so it's ready to use the next day. Remember to always drive carefully and watch out for other people on the footpath or road.