ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Moment of Silence

Okay kiddo, do you know what a moment is? It's a very short amount of time, like when you blink your eyes or when you count to one. Now, sometimes people want to take a moment where they stop talking and being noisy, and just be quiet and still. This is called a moment of silence.

Usually, people have a moment of silence to remember something sad or important that happened. It could be to remember someone who passed away or to show respect for a tragedy that happened. During this moment, everyone stops what they're doing and just stays quiet and still to pay their respects.

It's like when you go to your friend's house and they ask you to take off your shoes before coming in. You do it because you want to be respectful of their wishes. Similarly, taking a moment of silence is a way of showing respect for something important that happened or someone who is no longer with us.