ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mongolian script

Mongolian script is a special way of writing words and sentences in Mongolia. It is a system of symbols, or letters, that represent sounds in the Mongolian language.

Each letter in the Mongolian script looks like a little drawing. For example, the letter “a” looks like a circle with a long line coming out of it on top, like a stick figure person with straight arms reaching up.

If you put a bunch of these letters together, they make words, just like letters in the English alphabet. The words can be written in rows from left to right, like English, or in columns from top to bottom, like Chinese.

Mongolian script was first developed in the 13th century by a famous emperor named Genghis Khan. He wanted a way for his people to communicate and write down important information. It has changed a bit over time, but it still looks similar to the original designs.

Today, Mongolian script is used in Mongolia and some parts of China and Russia. It is an important part of the Mongolian culture and is taught in schools so that children can read and write in their own language.