ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Most recent common ancestor

Okay kiddo, do you know what an ancestor is? It's someone who is related to you, but from a long time ago.

So think about it like this: you and your cousin both have a grandma and a grandpa. Those grandparents are ancestors to both you and your cousin.

Now, let's say you and your cousin had a great-great-great-great-grandparent. That's a really long time ago! But even though they are so old, they are an ancestor that you and your cousin both share.

The most recent common ancestor is when you and another person (like your cousin) have the same ancestor—the one that you both had and who came the latest in your family line.

So, to put it more simply, the most recent common ancestor is probably a great-great-something or maybe even just a great-grandparent, but they are the one person that both you and someone else (your cousin) can both claim as an ancestor.